Helping Women entrepreneurs create Bold Brand essentials, content & digital tools to attract & convert clients

Donna James

Get Your FREE 30 Minute QReative Review Call!

Starting from scratch or wanting to update your brand?

Unsure where to even begin? 

I'll review your current website, content, or branding and offer suggestions on where you can optimize. It's also an opportunity to ask me questions and advice about your logo, colors, content voice, or website.

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Free Resources I have for you

By Donna James

Words are powerful. It can make or break your Brand Identity and Messaging. 

Here are 8 Important reasons why you and your biz Need a copywriter.

The copywriting and graphic design work has been absolutely awesome. Donna has definitely taken my branding to the next level...

Marie Lizotte

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Hi there

My name is Donna James

Over my 30+ year career, I've seen industries evolve, technology advance, and people's expectations change. 

The one constant is the importance of effective communications and branding to stand out from competitors and be taken seriously! 

But how? I see business owners struggling, asking themselves:  

How can I be taken seriously?
How do I create a credible brand that people trust?
How can I show them that I have the skills & ability to help them?
How do I attract quality leads AND convert clients?

That's where I can help!

I'll work with you to evaluate your brand, content, and digital communications tools to determine what needs to be improved, changed, tweaked, and implemented.

Here's how I do it...

From my blog

Donna James

Is your work email hurting your credibility?

How often has this happened to you? You meet a potential client... You’re killin' your pitch! They’re engaged and you’re having a friendly conversation about your work and then...

Donna James Blog

Know your audience to avoid awkward generation gaffes

Each generation has certain slang and terminologies that change meaning over the years. So it's important to have an idea of who your audience is and what generation they fall into...

Donna James

What's more important to you? Job title or the work?

What did you want to be when you grew up? Maybe we should be asking ourselves if we're putting too much emphasis on a specific title and not enough value on the type of work we actually want to do?

Donna James Blog

The dirty little secret that I hid for years

One-in-three women also share this secret! It's something that fills us with shame, pain, self-blame... and fear! We become experts at keeping this secret...

my proven Process

My Process is for you, if you:

Want your biz to be taken seriously
Want content that builds credibility
Don't enjoy or have the time to write
Want to attract qualified leads & sales
You're motivated & ready to start

My Process is NOT for you if you:

Think that's just all fluff and fancy stuff
Feel words & content aren't important
Will write only if & when you have time
Are fine with where your business is at
Feel you can do it ALL on your own

The things I love to teach

The power of great copy
Brand essentials
Identifying your voice
How to build credibility
Optimize digital tools
What exactly is a "Brand"
Why you NEED a blog
When repetition is needed
The psychology of colors
Being seen as the expert

Copywriting and branding are often considered "Nice-to-haves"... not "Must-Haves" in business. 

That's like saying all a car needs is an engine. 

But what about all the other essential components that make that car perform properly... not to mention attract attention?

Your business works in the same way. You and your product are the engine. That important inner force. 

The content, your website, branding, and consistent messaging are the body, tires, gas, and all the other essential parts that complete that vehicle. That streamlines its performance to sound and work smoothly... AND stand out!

The power of copywriting, web content and branding are essential to give your business momentum to drive it forward. It helps build credibility, attract qualified clients, convert customers and increase sales.

You'll also be seen as the expert... the voice of authority. 

All that can help you and your business stand out from your competitors. So are you ready to move forward?

Donna James Copywriter

Donna James

If you're an Entrepreneur or business owner looking to build your online Brand and Creative Content, be sure to check out my About page. I look forward to connecting!


© Copyright Donna James.  All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

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